Live For Speed by Michal 011093

Winter holidays
Finally two weeks off, I really need a break from school work.

thanks for videos
Anybody is willing come vote in Best metal band competition?
There are not enough people around for voting. You are welcome.

Ah yeah I forgot about those competitions! :O :(
Thanks for posting it, I'll be in the new rounds :D

@ Dragonprincess, yeah it always takes a hell of a lot time to make some nice vids.... I think I gonna make some more vids when the holidays start :) Finally some time :D

Jeez this thread is so dead

Mozesz kupic 3-dniowa Travelcard (busy i metro): pierwszy rodzaj na cale dni, drugi do uzycia od 9.30 w dni powszednie i cale soboty i niedziele
Kupisz je na stacjach metra: albo w kasie albo w automacie

Anytime 3 Day Travelcards
Can be used all day on each day of validity and for any journey that starts before 04:30 on the day following the expiry date.

Off-Peak 3 Day Travelcards
Can be used from 09:30 Monday to Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and public holidays on each day of validity and for any journey that starts before 04:30 on the day following the expiry date.

Na 1+2 strefe cena jest ta sama dla obu w/w kart: 18.40 GBP. Roznica i to az 50% jest na strefy 1-6 (oczywiscie tansza jest off-peak)

Jesli masz dogodne polaczenie autobusowe, to mozesz kupic kazdego dnia Bus and Tram Pass za 3.80 GBP. Nigdy z niej nie korzystalem, ale najprawdopodobniej jak w innych miastach sprzedaje ja kierowca.
Znasz adres, gdzie masz dojezdzac z hostelu? Idealnie byloby z kodem pocztowym - mozna sprawdzic, jak najlepiej dojechac.

Z Luton, podobnie jak z innych low-costowych lotnisk najtaniej jest kupic online bilet (konieczny wydruk) na
Oczywiscie im wczesniej sie bukuje, tym taniej.

" />Beta Testing for the Battlefield 2142 1.10 update begins.


We continue our march into the Christmas holiday with more and more happening in the Battlefield Universe. This week we will begin public Beta Testing of the 1.10 update. In this update we are adding server options and a few game play enhancements along with a number of bug fixes. Some of these improvements are:

* Fixed Titan wall exploit - Players will no longer be able to exploit into the corridor wall to unfairly defend their titan.
* Spectator Functionality - Players will be able to join a server as a spectator.
* Active Camouflage Update: A bug that caused camouflaged players in medium to long range situations to be more visible than originally intended has been fixed. The IT-33 now functions as it did in the Public Beta. Thanks to former Beta Testers who helped to track down this issue.
* Takao T20 and P33 Pereira Pistols: The maximum rate of fire has been increased on both the EU and PAC pistols. The pistol bullets' damage over distance has also been tweaked to allow for a slightly larger ideal range. Players should find the handgun's effectiveness as a close range panic weapon to be greatly improved.
* Master Server Disconnects: We are adding client side enhancements to eliminate Master Server Disconnect Issues.
* And much more!

-Your DICE Live Team

źródło: ... 20506.aspx

" />“What can you do to keep your roots alive?"

It is a very interesting question: What can I do to keep my roots alive? To answer this question, first I must know what roots are. How do I understand this word?

The author of the question does not refer to roots of plants. In this case the word “roots” refers to my ancestors, ancestry, traditions, and the history of my family and my country. So, first I should remember the people who fought and worked for my country. I should remember the public holidays, respect monuments and memorials, and it is necessary to be proud of being a Pole. I should also cherish the Polish language. It is also necessary to remember my ancestors and to visit their graves. Also, I should keep visiting my grandparents and talking with them about their life and our family.

I try to do all of these things, which I have described above. I hope that I shall keep my roots alive. I also hope that I will pass my roots to coming generations.
